Sdi Luna Nano Hybrid Composite at Best Price Dent
Sdi Luna Nano Hybrid Composite at Best Price Dent. The ideal universal composite for your daily anterior and posterior restoration challenges. A simple aesthetic composite system with high polishability, strength and wear resistance. The automobile industry utilizes composites and hybrid composites in many of the interior and exterior applications. Composites are also used for cosmetic improvements of the smile by changing the color of the teeth or reshaping disfigured teeth. Nanohybrid composite restorations: Dentistry’s most versatile solution. … Hybrid composites blended in larger particle fillers to improve strength but were less polishable, resulting in more of a matte rather than a gloss finish.
Natural optical properties
Luna contains the right balance of optical elements such as fluorescence and translucency to produce a chameleon effect with the natural dentition without using a complicated multi-layering technique. Hybrid composites blended in larger particle fillers to improve strength. But were less polishable, resulting in more of a matte rather than a gloss finish. According to the thickness of the material used when restoring a tooth. A hybrid composite is a combination of synthetic and natural fibers or more than two different materials in the fiber reinforcement of a composite.
- Combination of nanotechnology and hybrid technology
- Non tick non slump handling
- Natural fluorescence.
- Superior polishability and shine for optimum aesthetics.
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