Mixing materials
Mixing materials is useful in a large variety of laboratory applications and chemistry experiments. Our Mixing materials onsists of three main categories which include laboratory shakers, mixers, and rockers. In this context, the act of mixing may be synonymous with stirring-, or kneading-processes.
Dental materials is a full-time course and is open to Home/EU and international candidates. You will also undertake a substantial research project facilitated by access to the School’s extensive research facilities, which will allow you to explore in depth an area of particular interest. Mixing of cement, bases, and liners is not a procedure that the dental hygienist typically performs on a routine basis. However, the hygienist may be asked by the dentist to mix these materials if the dental assistant is absent.
Early modules deepen your understanding of the philosophy of research, ethics and ethical approval, good practice in research and research methodology. You’ll also gain understanding of contemporary dental materials, also some core aspects of digital data and its uses. This will prepare you to undertake your own individual research project in materials.
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