Matrix bands

Many types of matrix bands are available for use in pediatric dentistry.  A matrix band creates a temporary interproximal surface, and, when appropriate, a matrix retainer secures the matrix band in place. The primary function of the matrix is to restore anatomic proximal contours and contact areas. A properly placed matrix should: Begin by folding a paper towel several times and placing it on the benchtop; this provides a more cushioned surface for burnishing.

Hold the matrix band in place on the paper towel and use a burnisher or the blunt end of an instrument, such as an examination mirror, to rub against matrix band back and forth. Fold the band to form a loop; notice that when the band is folded, one edge has a smaller circumference than the other; this design accomodates the difference in tooth circumferences at the contact and gingival levels. There are two main rules for correct placement of the matrix system on the tooth:

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