
Kerr EndoVac Starter Kit Irrigation System

$1,000.00 $976.00

EndoVac is a true apical negative pressure irrigation system. Instead of applying positive pressure, EndoVac uses suction to PULL irrigant down the root canal, and then up and away into the Hi-Vac suction unit. We call this “negative apical pressure.


Kerr EndoVac Starter Kit Irrigation System

Kerr EndoVac Starter Kit Irrigation System is a true apical negative pressure irrigation system. Instead of applying positive pressure, EndoVac uses suction to PULL irrigant down the root canal, and then up and away into the Hi-Vac suction unit. We call this “negative apical pressure,” because EndoVac applies suction rather than forceful injection to consistently deliver a perfect, bullet-proof performance. As a result, very beautiful restorations are achieved, which are hardly distinguishable from the natural tooth structure.

  • Virtually eliminates the risk of an irrigation accident during root canal procedures. Tetric N-Ceram’s high radiopacity of 400 % Al is due to the filler ytterbium fluoride.
  • Virtually eliminates the risk of an irrigation accident during root canal procedures
  • Single use; included tubing cannot be sterilized

1. The Multiport-Adapter (MPA)

plugs directly into your office Hi-Vac and serves as a caddy for the EndoVac tubing and other components.  Re-attached to the Hi-Vac system for maximum portability between operatories.

2. The Master Delivery Tip (MDT)

plugs directly into the blue port of the MPA and provides a constant flow of irrigant without the risk of overflow. After each instrument change to remove gross debris arising from instrumentation.

3. The MacroCannula

It is helpful to have a dental assistant deliver the irrigant with the MDT. While the clinician works the MacroCannula up and down each canal.



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