The HANAU Wide-Vue Articulator is a semi-adjustable tracking, Arcon-type Articulator.
Lingual visibility is unobstructed and is the most generous of any articulating instrument. This open format allows for easy viewing during positioning and observation of tooth-to-tooth contacts of cast models and final prosthetic appliances.
It is easier for students and clinicians to relate its movements. To the human mandible because the Condylar Guidances are associated. With the Upper Articular Member, as the patient’s Glenoid Fossa is a portion of the cranium. The Condyle of the Articulator is a part of the Lower Component and acts as the condyle of the mandible of the patient.You’ll appreciate its enhanced view when positioning tooth-to-tooth contacts on models and final prosthesis.
- Priced to be competitive with most brands of earpiece face bows.
- Transfer clamp attaches directly to the articulator which allows for multiple measurements with only one facebow required.
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